Forró in Rio

Can I dance forró in Rio?

Is Forró a partner or solo dance?

Yes! You can find many places to dance forró in Rio! As one of the most popular dances in Brazil, Forró is a dance that every Brazilian knows. Unlike traditional samba, which is danced alone, Forró is a partner dance. If you come to Brazil without a dancing partner, do not worry. Forró is a dance for everyone. As history says, it is FOR ALL.

Forro in Rio de Janeiro
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Nowadays, Forró’s easy steps and catchy tunes make it a popular choice among Brazilian dancers. It can be found in bars, nightclubs, and really any place where music is playing.

peope dancing forro in Rio

Forró around the world.

Forró dancing is enjoyed by many people around the world, most notably in Europe where there are numerous festivals held throughout the summer months (June to September). Our classes give you the chance to learn or improve your forró dancing, and booking a private class is an option.

In our samba class, we give attendees a little taste of forró so that they can enjoy their time in Brazil even more, especially when they go out at night. This makes for more fun and enjoyable experience.

History of Forró in Rio.

The history of Forró in Rio is shrouded in mystery. Some say that the name “forró” is a derivative of the English phrase “for all.” According to this theory, forró originated in the colonial era when Brazil was inhabited by Africans, Europeans, Americans, and local people. Every week, these diverse groups would come together for a dance party open to all (regardless of nationality). The local people used to say: "Let’s go to this party! It’s for all.” So, English-speaking people understood the dance to be called Forro.

Another story dates back to the early 1900s. During this time, English engineers working on the Great Western Railway of Brazil would throw balls for the railroad personnel. These balls were open to the public “for all”. In a classic game of telephone with Portuguese speakers, the name of the dance became “Forró.”

Where can I dance Forro in Rio?

When visiting Rio, learning the basics of Forró will make it much easier for you to enjoy Rio’s nightlife. If you’re on your honeymoon in Rio or a couple’s vacation, Forró is a fun and intimate way to experience Brazilian culture. If you’re single or traveling with friends, you’ll be inviting others to dance Forró and make local friends before you know it!

There is a place to dance Forró every day in Rio, but for the most updated venues, it's best to search when you are in Brazil. Just search: ("onde dançar Forro Hoje"). Girls traveling alone can go to forró by themselves.

Join us for a fun forró experience in Rio. Every Wednesday.


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